Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Strawberry Yogurt Muffins

After picking up 8 pounds of strawberries from a local farm, I noticed these were the most perfect strawberries I have ever seen.  They had a perfect shape, a perfect stem and were a deep red throughout (no white inside these berries).  My husband wondered what I could possibly do with 8 pounds of strawberries?  Spend a LOT of time experimenting in the kitchen, that's what! 

In fact, I was thinking 8 pounds might not even be enough.  I eat strawberries on my plain Greek yogurt every day.  My son eats strawberries by the fistful.  There is also a long list of goodies that I want to make with strawberries...hmm.

For the longest time, I have been searching high and low for the perfect strawberry muffin recipe.  I was inspired by this recipe for Strawberry Bread on Cate's World Kitchen.  I love that Cate uses yogurt, a good dose of vanilla, and this recipe uses more actual strawberries than other recipes I found.  From the original recipe, I reduced the amount of sugar and used plain nonfat yogurt.   The recipe below is written accordingly.   

These muffins smelled incredible while baking in the oven.  It was hard to resist digging in while they cooled, but I knew they would be worth the wait.  And worth the wait they were indeed!  They are moist, delicious and have bits of sweet strawberries in every bite.  We are definitely going to make another trip to the farm to pick up more strawberries, and I will definitely be making more of these muffins!

Strawberry Yogurt Muffins
Yields 12 muffins

1 1/2 cups white whole wheat flour
1/2 cup sugar
1 teaspoon baking powder
1 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 teaspoon salt (optional)
2 eggs, lightly beaten
1/4 cup nonfat plain yogurt
1/4 cup oil
2 teaspoons vanilla
1 1/2 cups strawberries, chopped
  1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees.  Line or grease 12 muffin cups. 
  2. In a large bowl, whisk together flour, sugar, baking powder, baking soda, and salt.  Set aside. 
  3. In a separate bowl, combine eggs, yogurt, oil and vanilla until blended.  Add to flour mixture and gently mix until combined (Be careful not to over mix).  Gently fold in strawberries.
  4. Divide batter evenly between muffin cups.  Bake for 20 minutes, or until a toothpick inserted in the center comes out clean.  Let muffins cool in pan for 5 minutes.  Transfer muffins to wire rack and let cool completely.
Adapted from Cate's World Kitchen


  1. These must be really tasty-they are so packed with strawberries. If they taste half as good as they look, I am all for them-awesome picture. Thanks for sharing

  2. You've made me want to go strawberry picking!! I still haven't gone this month. I love strawberry anything.

  3. The muffins look AMAZING! Great pictures and I love that you used whole wheat flour!

  4. These sound delish. And those strawberries are stunningly beautiful - which farm did you go to?

    I'm having fun reading through your earlier entries!

  5. @Tina: Thank you! They were really moist and tasty...and didn't last long. Thanks for your comment!

    @Christina: The strawberries were the best I've ever seen them and so tasty! Thanks for you comment!

    @Ann: Hi Ann, thank you for the compliment! I thought you might like the whole wheat flour. :) Thank you for the compliment.

    @Katie: Thanks Katie! The berries are amazing. We got them from Apple Jack Orchards in Delano. I'm glad you're having fun. Thanks for your comment!

  6. These look absolutely delicious! I love the use of fresh strawberries in your muffins, mmm! Great blog you have here and so glad to be your newest follower! :)

  7. These honestly look like the best strawberry muffins. The addition of yogurt is no doubt a winner combination :-)

  8. Those look delicious! I always worry about the strawberry muffins you see at the store, but I love how authentic these look, and I'm sure they taste delicious!

  9. Just made these for my daughter to take to school on her 4th birthday. She taste-tested one (not in my calorie budget today) and declared them "YUMMY!" That gets my seal of approval!

  10. Yum I love strawberries and these look perfect for breakfast. I'll have to try them.

  11. So dense looking and moist - I love how packed with strawberries they are :D

    Choc Chip Uru
    Latest: Brown Butter Mixed M&M Chewy Cookies

  12. These look so moist and yummy. I'm definitely going to try making muffins using yoghurt.

  13. these look so yummy and adorable presentation! :)

  14. we are just starting to see strawberries in virginia and i am craving muffins! these sound great!

  15. Can I use 2% greek yogurt instead of non fat??

  16. I just tried this recipe using whole wheat flour and they turned out great! Will definitely be doing it again :)

  17. They are in the oven now. My batter was very dry so I ended up adding another 1/4 cup of the yogurt. Can't wait to taste them!
