Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Kiddie Cheese Square

All right folks, here is a tasty treat for your little ones. Now Adam is not a picky eater per se, but he will not eat plain cottage cheese, and he will not eat plain eggs (no matter how much cheese is added).  Put the 2 together, along with some flour and shredded cheese and voila! Kiddie Cheese Square is delicious, protein-packed, and one of Adam's favorite lunches!

Making Kiddie Cheese Square could not be any easier - just mix everything together and bake. I typically cut the square in quarters and then wrap each quarter in cling wrap to store (and refrigerate after a couple days).  I have also stored cheese square in the pan, but fridge space is a premium in our house, so storing them as quarters is easier. Do what works best for you.

To serve, I cut 1-2 strips from the square and heat in the microwave for about 5 seconds (enough to heat and soften the square).  I then cut the strips into bite-sized pieces for Adam. At 16 months, he averages about 4 strips per sitting, and at 12 months, he ate 1-2 strips.

I think cheese square tastes like a cheesy pie crust.  Others have remarked it is like kiddie pizza without the sauce.  Regardless of what we think, Adam just thinks it's great!  Who would have thought that 4 simple ingredients mixed together could turn into something so tasty! 

Kiddie Cheese Square
Yields one 9 x 9 square, serving size varies

3/4 cup all-purpose flour (see note)
1 egg, lightly beaten
3 ounces cheese, shredded (any cheese, such as cheddar, colby jack, mozzarella)
1 cup cottage cheese
  1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees.  Spray 9 x 9 inch baking pan with cooking spray.  Set aside.
  2. In a large bowl, combine cheese, egg and cottage cheese.  Add flour and mix until combined.  Be careful not to over mix. (Note: mixture will be stiff to stir, yet sticky to the touch).  
  3. Pour mixture in baking pan.  Using waxed paper, press mixture to spread out and fill the pan.  
  4. Bake for about 35-40  minutes, or until a toothpick in the middle comes out clean.   Be careful not to over bake.  Cool and cut into squares. 
Note:  I have tried using whole wheat flour and whole wheat pastry flour, and this definitely works best with all-purpose flour.  Whole wheat flours made the square too dense for Adam to "chew" but might work for a child with molars. 

Adapted from The Everything Cooking for Baby and Toddler Book


  1. i think my teenagers would be a fan of this too! we will have to try it out. love your blog!

  2. That's awesome - I bet they would love it! My husband and I are always sneaking pieces when feeding Adam :) Thank you so much!

  3. Looks wonderful! I think the big kids would love this too. Thanks for sharing.

  4. I will have to try this Henry goes through phases on what he will and won't eat these days It's driving me crazy lol.

  5. What a cute idea! Sad thing is I think my boyfriend would LOVE this!! :)

  6. Cool snack here, especially for the kids. Also, has a lot of dairy for those that won't drink milk. Great post!

  7. This is great! I am going to have to try this with my son for sure!

  8. Delicious! If I made this for my grandbabies - I would be a super hero!
