Saturday, October 8, 2011

Alida's Weekly Recap - 10/2-10/8

Happy Weekend!  Here in Minnesota, we have been enjoying a last taste of summer.  Beautiful sunny days with highs in the 70s/'s been great.  It was perfect for my 10-mile race last Sunday.  I managed to shave off 30 seconds per mile from my previous 10-mile PR!  With my first Half Marathon only a few weeks away,...I think I'm ready.
Lots of good things were happening in the kitchen this past week as well.  I can't wait to share it all with you.  We're hoping to hit the apple orchard one of these days, which will mean lots of tasty treats coming your way.  In the meantime, let's recap the week.
This past week I shared with you:

Spicy Beef and Zucchini Pasta

The spicy beef and zucchini was delicious on pasta.  The leftovers made an excellent taco filling. 

Healthy Peanut Butter Balls

So simple, yet so tasty!  Made with wholesome ingredients found in your pantry, these make a nice snack or on-the-go breakfast.   

Porcini Mushroom and Spinach Risotto with Mascarpone

This risotto has been a long time favorite in our house.  It's hard to beat lots of veggies and cheese.

Everything is popping up pumpkin or apples around the blogs these are a few recipes that caught my eye:

Peanut Butter and Apple Muffins from Budget Gourmet Mom - They're muffins, there's peanut know me, enough said.  :) I love the addition of apple...perfect for the season!

Pumpkin Chili from What's Cookin' Chicago - Another dish that's seasonally appropriate...pumpkin AND chili.  I love anything with pumpkin, and can only imagine this tastes as good as the picture (which is amazing!)

Enchiladas with Pumpkin Sauce from Cooking Healthy for Me - Speaking of pumpkin, I love these enchiladas with the unique twist of pumpkin.  They look positively yummy!   

Pumpkin Spice Hot Apple Cider from Dinners, Dishes and Desserts - Erin had the brilliant idea to make a pumpkin spice drink for non-coffee drinkers.  This sounds like the perfect beverage for a cool fall day in front of the fireplace. 

Pumpkin Molasses Cookies from the craving chronicles - More pumpkin!  Molasses cookies are one of my favorites, so combine those with pumpkin and you have a winner. 

That's all folks.  Have a great weekend


  1. As always - a great week! Your risotto was really terrific! Thanks for picking the enchiladas! They were a favorite of mine, too!

  2. Tanks for the shout out with the cider!! You had a great week, I still want those peanut butter balls. Congrats on your race! Did you do the TC-10? I was supposed to do a 15k in a couple weeks and a half marathon this month as well, but with our move and being the single parent that isn't happening any more!

  3. You did have a great week, it amazes me how delicious and versatile your posts can be. Thanks for sharing.

  4. You are all so sweet. You made my day, thank you!

    Erin, yes I ran the TC 10 mile. I can only imagine how challenging it would be to train for a race while working on moving and taking care of a busy guy by yourself. You are a super woman! :)

  5. Some delicious sounding recipes in here! I have got to try that risotto!

    Congrats on cutting your time in the race! That's awesome! :-)
