Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Healthy Peanut Butter Balls

It is no secret that I love peanut butter.  So you can imagine my excitement when I was selected to participate in the Foodbuzz Tastemaker program with the National Peanut Board.  The task was to create a snack recipe using peanut butter and incorporating other ingredients found in most homes. Easy enough! 

I wanted to make something healthy, convenient and easy.  I also wanted to make something with oats.  It was time to roll up my sleeves, grab ingredients from the pantry and experiment.

After adding a little here, a touch there,...voila! I finally got the results I was looking for, using simple wholesome ingredients found in my pantry.

This healthy snack could not be any easier to make. The recipe requires no baking; simply measure, mix, roll and chill. The mixture may seem a little dry at first, but as you continue to mix it comes together (or add a little more honey or peanut butter to moisten the mixture to a consistency that works for you). Rolling the balls in a coating as optional. It makes the balls a little less sticky on the fingers, and also is a fun way to vary the flavors, but it is not necessary.

Healthy Peanut Butter Balls are a healthy and delicious snack, or even a quick breakfast on-the-go, featuring one of my favorite foods of all time...peanut butter! 

Healthy Peanut Butter Balls
Yields 16-18 balls

1 cup peanut butter, natural is preferred (chunky or creamy)
2 tablespoons honey (or agave nectar)
1 cup rolled oats
2 tablespoons ground flaxseed or wheat germ
2 tablespoons sweetened flaked coconut
cocoa powder, wheat germ, powdered sugar, chopped peanuts, (optional) - for coating
  1. Heat peanut butter and honey in the microwave until easily mixed, about 15-20 seconds.  Stir until blended.  
  2. In a separate bowl, mix oats, flaxseed and coconut (if using) until combined.
  3. Add peanut butter mixture to oat mixture and stir until incorporated.  (Mixture may seem a little dry at first...just keep mixing).
  4. Form a rounded tablespoonful of the combined mixture into a ball and place on a plate.  Repeat until all mixture is used.  Now, if you do not want to coat the balls, skip to step 6.  
  5. Roll each ball in whatever coating suits your preference.  Cocoa powder, powdered sugar, wheat germ, cinnamon sugar and chopped peanuts are some ideas.
  6. Chill the plate of balls in the refrigerator to set for at least an hour, or overnight.   
Disclaimer: As part of the Foodbuzz Tastemaker program, I was provided with 2 jars of Planters peanut butter, from the National Peanut Board, for free.  The details of my experience are exclusively my opinion, and I was not otherwise influenced or compensated.


  1. Yea!! I have everything to make these in my pantry! I love peanut butter as well, so everything else you put in these PB balls are just icing on the cake! Love this recipe!

  2. These look yummy, love all the great stuff you have in there too!

  3. These look delicious. In this house, we worship peanut butter (and anything made with peanut butter), so these are right up our alley!

  4. Yummy!!! I love anything with peanut butter in it!

  5. Ooohhhh, I see a Dudette treat in the making with these things. I need to get more peanut butter though! Worth a trip to the store just for these. Thanks for sharing.

  6. Look very appetizing, Alida! I want to take one. :)

  7. YUM! These sound so good. I love peanut butter and if you can believe this we used both jars of the planters that were given to us already lol. This may explain the extra weight I've put on recently. :)

  8. And oh the things you could roll those babies in!

  9. Super cool idea!! Bookmarking this :-)

    Watch out for that brand of peanut butter which may contain trans fats AKA hydrogenated fats. Lots worse than saturated fats :-(

    Thanks for sharing.

  10. I love this recipe! My boyfriend is a peanut butter addict - he eats it straight from the jar when he gets in from the gym for added protein (!) - so am going to make these for him and watch his smile spread from ear to ear :-)

  11. These look amazing! I can't wait to make these to have around as a quick snack or recovery from a workout! I love peanut butter with cinnamon so maybe I'll try rolling them in that!

  12. This looks like a great snack to have on hand. I am trying to cut back on my cookie intake. I cannot wait to try it out.

  13. Way to go! These look like an amazing snack!

  14. A Healthy peanut butter snack? How cool are you? These look wonderful!

  15. Cool snack. This reminds me of popular peanut jaggery snack in India.

  16. These look so yummy and easy too. Thanks for sharing!

  17. this sounds absolutely delicious! Great idea!

  18. Totally just added this to my to do list! YUM!!

  19. These are UNBELIEVEABLY good! Thank you so much.

  20. I'm a total peanut butter addict, and as soon as I get myself some wheat germ or flaxseed, I'll be making these! Thanks for such a great idea.

  21. I made these will all natural cashew butter because it's all I had. Turned out delicious! So convenient that I had all this at home!

  22. @Anonymous

    I'm so glad to hear that. Thanks for the feedback!

  23. I, too, LOVE peanut butter. I have been making a similar recipe for several months now b/c its SOOOO good! for the dry ingredients I use a mixture of non-fat dry milk and vanilla protein powder. And I don't even chill it. I just eat it like cookie dough (which is bad for you, but this isn't!).

    But thanks for the tip to microwave the PB and honey first! That will make it much easier to mix!

    Thanks again for posting!

  24. Great simple recipe. I added mini chocolate chips, great when I crave chocolate.

  25. Love this...I add dried fruit bits to mine and some pumpkin and sunflower seeds! Yum! Kids love them and so do I. We actually make these instead of biscuits or muesli bars to save on sugar and packaging.
