Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Apple Cheddar Frittata

Since last week ended up being pumpkin week, I thought it would be fun to give a nod to another fall classic this week - the apple.   I enjoy an apple for lunch nearly every day and love using them in new recipes.  This Apple Cheddar Frittata was new to us and will definitely be making a recurring appearance.   The sweetness of the apple pairs beautifully with the sharp cheddar and the red onion balances nicely with the two.

Mike told me this is the best frittata I have made yet, though I'm noticing a trend.  He seems to say 'this is the best yet' with everything I make. Hmm... :)

Apple Cheddar Frittata
Yields 4 servings

1 medium red onion, sliced
Cooking spray
8 eggs, plus 2 egg whites
1 cup (4 ounces) white cheddar cheese, shredded
1 tablespoon light butter
salt and pepper, to taste
1 large (or 2 small) Gala apples, thinly sliced (peeling is optional)
  1. Preheat oven to 450 degrees with oven rack set to the top third.
  2. In a medium nonstick ovensafe pan sprayed with cooking spray, cook red onions over medium heat until softened (about 7 minutes).  Put the onions in a separate bowl and set aside.  
  3. In a medium bowl, whisk together the eggs, egg whites, 1/2 cup cheese, salt and pepper.  Stir in onions.
  4. In the same pan used for the onions, heat butter over medium.  Add egg mixture, and after 1 to 2 minutes once the eggs have set, arrange the apples on top in a circular pattern, starting from the outside edge.  Sprinkle with remaining.
  5. Transfer skillet to oven.  Bake until frittata is set in the center, about 20 minutes.  Using a rubber spatula, release frittata from pan and transfer to a cutting board.  Let sit for 5 minutes.  Cut into wedges and serve.
Adapted from Martha Stewart


  1. Great picture-this looks really yummy!

  2. This looks delicious! I enjoy having apples and cheddar together. What a great breakfast/lunch/dinner meal!

  3. This looks absolutely amazing Alida! I can't wait to make it, a perfect fall dish. Thanks for a great recipe!

  4. I can imagine the wonderful flavor of that frittata. What a good idea for a brunch dish with friends. It's sure to impress.

  5. Apple Cheddar is an excellent combination! The frittata looks absolutely divine!

  6. This looks fabulous! I love the combination the apples and the cheese. What a great idea. Definitely going to try this!

  7. Oh, this looks fabulous!!! I love all things apple :)

  8. That. Is. Gorgeous! I'm swooning over how good it looks.

  9. I never would have thought to use apples in a frittata, but it sounds amazing!

  10. What a FANTASTIC flavor combination! I love apples and cheese together...this is brilliant!

  11. Brilliant flavor combo, Alida! I love this idea.

  12. Lovely combo of apples and cheese and both are one of those I enjoy a lot, what a wonderful delicious outcome.

  13. I am going to have this for dinner tonight..thank you very much!

  14. Alida:

    This is my first time on your post and I like what I see.

    This frittata looks so awesome that I think I will make it for supper.

    Thank you so much for sharing.

  15. I looove frittata, but I've never had one with apples. It looks and sounds absolutely scrumptious, what a great recipe!
    Congrats on Top 9!

  16. How did I not see this sooner? I'm SOOO bookmarking this. YUM!! Congrats top 9 companion!!

  17. What a gorgeous frittata! Love the combination of apple and eggs. Great recipe. Congrats on the Top 9!
