Friday, December 30, 2011

Our favorites from 2011

I enlisted Mike's and Adam's assistance in narrowing down our favorites from 2011.  We each chose 3 favorites from 2011 (only rule was they could not have appeared on the most popular post from yesterday), and then I selected 3 bonus recipes that are family favorites. 

**Adam's 3 favorites**

Cottage Cheese Pancakes -Without a doubt these are Adam's favorite thing in the whole world.  I make a double batch every month to freeze, as he is always asking for some cottage cheese pancake strips.  He's happy, we're happy, it's a win-win.

Strawberry Vanilla Pancakes - These are a very close second to the cottage cheese pancakes.  Once Adam ate an impressive 7 pancakes in one sitting! 

Garden Pizza Puffs - Like most kids, Adam loves anything in pancake form or muffin form.  He calls these 'pizza muffins.'  I often make them with spinach or broccoli, and they are a huge hit at dinnertime.

**Mike's 3 favorites**

Pumpkin Cinnamon Chip Scones - This was my first attempt at ever making scones, and Mike insisted these were the best things I ever made. 

Ravioli with Roasted Zucchini - Within a week of making this for the first time, we made it at least 3 more times.  We don't repeat meals nearly that often, but we just couldn't get enough!

Triple Chocolate Malted Cookies - I made these a few years ago and Mike has been asking for them ever since. 

**Alida's 3 favorites**

Banana Split Cupcakes - These cupcakes are fun to make, end up so cute and are always a crowd pleaser.  I love the surprise inside, which is so easy.

Black Bean Chili with Roasted Butternut Squash - This was a new recipe for me this year, and I love the sweetness of the butternut squash with the spicy chili.

Whole Wheat Blueberry Lemon Ricotta Pancakes - I loved this new spin on my old favorite ricotta pancake recipe.  Blueberry and lemon are always a wonderful combination.  My mom started making this recipe, and even my dad, who doesn't typically like blueberry pancakes, loved these!

 **Bonus picks**

Tortellini Soup with Chunky Tomatoes and Spinach - While in general I'm not a soup person, I do make an exception for very few. This soup ranks at the top of that list! Since posting this recipe, my mom added this to their rotation and has made it nearly every week.

Grandma's Peanut Blossoms - My family LOVES these peanut blossoms more than any other cookie (maybe even dessert).  Catch them when they're fresh out of the oven, and they are warm, the chocolate is melty, and they are just to die for.  My grandma knew what she was doing in the kitchen, and this recipe is no exception.

The Best Chicken Sate with Peanut Sauce - This is my most requested recipe by far.  It's easy to whip together, delicious and healthy too!

That's all folks!   Whether you're a long time reader or brand new, I thank you all for being here.  2011 was a fun year, and I have many exciting things planned for you in 2012.  So have a very Happy New Year!  Cheers!


  1. Great pictures and recipes!! I love those banana split cupcakes and the pancakes of course! :-)

  2. They all look great - the malted cookies and the chicken satay still have me drooling though!

  3. Great list! I especially like the banana split cupcakes and the ravioli...YUM!

  4. your blog has already given me so many options to choose from even without this amazing list. i blogged about one of your recipes which didn't make your list but it would have made my top ten for 2011!

    many thanks! here's the post:

  5. These all look delicious! Happy New Year!

  6. I like the look of those pizza puffs the best...have a lovely new year.

  7. Oh those pancakes and pizza puffs sound amazing!! Great posts and happy new year!

  8. These are delicious! I like that you had some help! Isn't it amazing that people pick such wildly different things? Happy New Year!

  9. I am with the chicken satay. I love that the list is so diverse.

  10. So many yummy pancakes! lol. The tortellini soup and satay look delicious!

  11. I love banana split cupcakes and the garden pizza puffs is such a great idea at a party!
    Happy New Year!
