Thursday, December 8, 2011

Oven Baked Barbeque Chicken

Most of my favorite chicken recipes tend to involve the grill.  However the prospect of standing outside in the cold while tending to the grill could not be any less appealing at this time of year.  Really, it's only early December.  The temperatures have not hit below zero, or even single digits for that matter.  Yet there are visions of warmer weather, and everything that comes with it, dancing in my head. 

Nothing screams 'warm weather' to me more than barbeque chicken.  Since the grill was not an option, and my grill pan is packed away, the timing was perfect to tackle Oven Baked Barbeque Chicken!

Oven Baked Barbeque Chicken is moist, juicy and full of flavor.  For the barbeque sauce, I used my Sweet and Spicy Barbeque Sauce, which is a fan-favorite around here.  In this recipe, I really enjoyed the addition of onions and garlic, though I think the garlic changed the flavor from your typical barbeque chicken.  I love garlic, so it was all good with me.  If you are looking for plain old barbeque chicken, I suggest omitting the garlic.  While this chicken did not melt the snow or allow me to leave the house with fewer than 3 layers, I dare say this Oven Baked Barbeque Chicken is better than grilled barbeque chicken and simply perfect for this time of year!

Oven Baked Barbeque Chicken
Yields 4 servings

1 pound boneless skinless chicken breast (or 4 chicken breast halves)
1 medium yellow onion, sliced
Cooking spray
2 garlic cloves, minced
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon ground black pepper
1 cup Sweet and Spicy Barbeque sauce (or your favorite barbeque sauce)
  1. Preheat oven to 400 degrees.
  2. In a nonstick pan sprayed with cooking spray, saute onions until soft.
  3. Place chicken breasts in casserole dish and season with salt, pepper and garlic. 
  4. Pour onions over chicken.  Cover with barbeque sauce.
  5. Cover dish with lid or aluminum foil.  Bake for 1 hour.  Serve.
Adapted from


  1. Wow, this looks fantastic and so flavorful! :) i love that you baked it, too. Mmmm. Now I'm already dreaming about dinner!

  2. Even though I can still grill my bikini, no less, I'm totally bookmarking this delicious BBQ :)


  3. I'm with Kiri! This is perfect and I'd like some for dinner.

  4. Sounds delicious! I always like to do bbq-ed chicken in the oven because you don't get the burnt skin that way so I definitely want to try this one!

  5. BBQ chicken definitely reminds me of summertime. I with you though even though temperatures have been pretty mild thus far I don't want to be spending any extra time outside right now. I always revert to the slow cooker.
