Friday, February 10, 2012

Marshmallow-Topped Chocolate Pudding Cakes

Now I always strive to share healthier recipes with you, but when I saw Marshmallow-Topped Chocolate Pudding Cakes in the latest issue of All You, I could not resist. Chocolate pudding cake is enough to make me swoon, but add a melty toasted marshmallow on top...are you kidding me?  Must make pronto!    
Fortunately I had everything on hand, and it all seemed easy enough.  I have 7-ounce ramekins instead of 6-ounce per the original recipe, but figured that wouldn't be a big deal.   Then I decided it was necessary to test the make-ahead capability of this recipe.  Let's just say when I told Mike that we would be having pudding cakes with a marshmallow on top two days in a row, there was very little arm-twisting involved.

To be honest, I cannot remember what we had for dinner that night, what I did the next day or anything in between, but I do remember every single little bite of these pudding cakes.  The chocolate is perfectly dark and decadant.  The marshmallow oozes and provides a nice sweetness to complement the chocolate. Plus, they're cute.  For a special occasion, such as Valentine's Day, or any celebratory occasion, Marshmallow-Topped Chocolate Pudding Cakes will rock your world.  Perfect to make-ahead for guests, for yourselves, for whatever reason suits you. 

Marshmallow-Topped Chocolate Pudding Cakes
Yields 4 servings

4 tablespoons (1/2 stick) unsalted butter
5 ounces bittersweet or semi-sweet choocolate, finely chopped
1 1/2 tablespoons all-purpose flour
1/4 cup packed brown sugar
2 eggs
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
pinch of salt
4 large marshmallows

  1. Preheat oven to 375 degrees.  Spray 4 6-ounce (or 7-ounce) ramekins with cooking spray and place on a baking sheet.  Set aside.
  2. Put butter and chocolate in a large, microwave-safe bowl.  Microwave on high until almost melted (about 1 to 2 minutes). Stir until smooth.  Mix in flour and set aside to cool.   
  3. With an electric mixer (hand or stand) on medium-high, beat sugar, eggs, vanilla and salt for about 5 minutes, until smooth and frothy.  Fold in chocolate mixture.  Divide batter among ramekins.
  4. Bake until cakes have risen and cracked on top but wet in center (12 to 15 minutes).  Do  not overbake.
  5. Press a marshmallow in the top of the cake.  Set your oven to broil and broil cakes until marshmallow is puffy and starts to brown (keep an eye on it, but about 2 minutes).  Put on wire rack to cool for 5 minutes before serving.
Tip:  Cakes can be made ahead through step 3 and stored (covered) in the refrigerator for up to 2 days. Baking time does not need to be adjusted, just keep an eye on the cakes.

Adapted from All You, Feb 2012


    1. These sound (and look) absolutely divine! Thanks so much for sharing. I've been looking for the perfect low-maintenance Valentine's dessert that wouldn't yield twenty servings, and I think these fit the bill.

    2. These are to cute and I bet absolutely delicious! Perfect little sweet for Valentine's Day!

    3. You had me at "pudding cake"..yup! I want to toss a graham cracker in one of those ramekins and eat it like a s'more ;)

    4. Chocolate topped with Marshmallow, what more can you ask for!Perfect :)

    5. How cute is that!! Love individual servings of love!

    6. Mmmmmm, pudding cake! How wonderful! I'm not into marshmallows, but I'd love this with a dollop of ice cream. Great recipe!

    7. These look so yummy, you had me at broiled marshmallows! Very cute too :)

    8. Yum, I can see why you couldn't resist this recipe!

    9. Looks awesome, I have never tried this before

    10. the photo is great and it looks really yummy and sweet...happy valentines Alida

    11. Ok, wow - these sound amazing! Love an oozing marshmallow any day!

    12. Oh, my! These look amazing! You KNOW I'm a fan of an occasional indulgence! I truly laughed out loud when you said you couldn't remember dinner, but remembered every bite of these. THAT is a recommendation if I ever heard one! Happy Valentines Day!

    13. The recipe calls for 4 tablespoons (1/2 stick) butter. But 1/2 a stick of butter is 8 tablespoons. Can you clarify?

    14. @Denise

      Hi Denise,

      1 stick butter = 8 tablespoons = 1/2 cup

      You just need 1/2 that for this recipe. Hope this helps.

    15. Oh. My. I swear I'm losing my mind! Duh...
      Going to make this now! Thanks-

    16. Thank you for the recipe! I love how quick and easy this dessert is but it wasn't sweet enough for me. I think if you like sweet desserts you may want to use semisweet chocolate instead of bittersweet or maybe even a mix. If I try this again I'll use semisweet. It really is simple to make just needs to be tweaked for individual preference.

      Thanks again.

    17. @My3Monkeys

      Thanks - I'm glad you like the recipe and hope you try it again with the semi-sweet. I have adjusted the recipe accordingly based on your feedback. Thanks for letting me know!
