Thursday, March 15, 2012

Peanut Butter Pancakes

As a lover of all things peanut butter and a frequent pancake maker, making Peanut Butter Pancakes was inevitable.  I searched online for some inspiration, but did not quite find what I was looking for.  Most recipes I found did not use natural peanut butter (some even discouraged it).  Natural peanut butter is a must for me, so I decided just to wing it.  The rest of the recipe just fell into place, and the result was just what I had in mind.  These Peanut Butter Pancakes have the perfect amount of peanut butter flavor, with a little sweetness from brown sugar.  Buttermilk contributes to the fluffy texture, and the whole wheat flour adds more nutrition.  They are delicious plain, with a little syrup, or even jelly to make a PB&J pancake!

Speaking of peanut butter for breakfast, be sure to check out my giveaway for a chance to win  a $50 Visa gift card and help feed hungry people!   

Peanut Butter Pancakes
Yields 4-6 servings


1 1/2 cups whole wheat pastry flour (or all-purpose flour)
2-3 tablespoons brown sugar, packed
1 1/2 teaspoons baking powder
1/2 teaspoon baking soda
1/4 teaspoon salt (optional)
1 1/4 cups low fat buttermilk
1/2 cup chunky natural peanut butter (see note)
1 tablespoon canola oil
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
2 large eggs, lightly beaten

maple or chocolate syrup (optional, for serving)
chopped peanuts (optional, for serving)

  1. In a large bowl, combine the flour, sugar, baking powder, baking soda and salt (if using).  Set aside.
  2. In a separate bowl, whisk the buttermilk, peanut butter, oil, vanilla and eggs, until well-blended.
  3. Add peanut butter mixture to flour mixture, stirring until just combined.  Let sit for 10 minutes.
  4. Preheat large nonstick skillet (or griddle) to medium (about 325 degrees). 
  5. Pour batter onto griddle (2 tablespoons to 1/4 cup, depending on desired size of pancakes).  Flip pancakes when top are covered with bubbles and edges look cooked (about 2-3 minutes).  Cook the other side until set (about 2 minutes).   Serve warm.
Note:  To soften natural peanut butter and make it easier to work with, just microwave it in the jar for about 30 seconds (adjust depending on how much is left in the jar). 


    1. that pancake looks so delicious and fluffy and having perfect shape, love it


    2. OMG - Two of my favorite things in one! It looks awesome :)

    3. I've never had peanut butter pancakes, but what a fabulous idea! I just love anything with peanut butter and pancakes are my absolute favorite breakfast, so these would be perfect for me! :D

    4. These look and sound AMAZING! And I love that you only keep natural pb around :) When I ask my students to list off foods with trans fat in them, they're AMAZED that peanut butter is one of them. At which point, I direct them to the natural varities :) I can't wait to make these!

    5. What a smart idea to change up pancakes. I bet they would be great with a bit of chocolate syrup.

    6. Yum, I could use a stack of these right now! I've never made peanut butter pancakes, what a great idea.

    7. @katie: I like the way you think! Chocolate syrup would be awesome...or even chocolate chips! :)

    8. What a great idea! Perfect breakfast for my peanut butter loving husband. I agree with the addition of chocolate syrup, sounds wonderful.

    9. totally agree - chocolate syrup and these pancakes sounds like an amazing meal!

    10. These look so good! I know what's for breakfast this weekend:).

    11. What cute small adorable little pancakes - and bursting with pb is awesome :D

      Choc Chip Uru
      Latest: Strawberry Hot Fudge Choc Cobbler

    12. Oh these sound like the perfect pancakes! So glad to have met you through Jessica's network x

    13. I've never had peanut butter pancakes but I love peanut butter and I love pancakes. Sounds like a wonderful combination. Why would natural peanut butter be discouraged? Your pancakes look amazing, obviously worked ok for you. :)

    14. Hmm. I've never had peanut butter pancakes. But considering how much I love peanut butter, I'm sure I'd love these. They look delicious.

    15. I'm a peanut butter fanatic, and only use the real stuff too. These look great!

    16. I could have PB morning noon and night...Of course, I'd love to start my day with PB for breakfast.

    17. These look fantastic! So glad I found your blog today!:)

    18. I have never made any pancakes with peanut butter. Must give this a try as they look so good!

    19. Pb is pretty much my favorite thing ever! Made these for breakfast this morning, delicious! I didn't have natural pb so I had to add a little extra buttermilk since it was coming out a little thick - but still tasted great!
