Friday, May 25, 2012

Guacamole Grilled Cheese Sandwich

Cheese has always been one of my favorite foods.  As a child I remember sneaking some cheese whenever my mom was in the kitchen, or simply grabbing a Kraft Single on my way out to play.  I also remember my mom always made my brother a ham and cheese sandwich using Kraft Singles, but I liked my cheese plain.  That is...until I discovered the grilled cheese sandwich.  Melty cheese on bread?  So simple yet so delicious! 

When I went to college and had my own apartment, I started experimenting with grilled cheese sandwiches.  It was around this time when I noticed Kraft Singles came in more varieties than American, and I was very excited to see they came in Swiss!  I made a tasty little combo with a slice of cheddar, a slice of Swiss, some sauteed onions, all on multi-grain bread.  Grilled cheese perfection every time.  Oh...the memories! 

That was all many years ago, yet my love for experimenting with grilled cheese sandwiches continues to this day.  Mike and I like to mix it up with tomatoes, sunflower seeds, onions, bacon (for him)...really nothing too crazy, but always tasty.  This time, I thought it would be fun to experiment with guacamole and make a Guacamole Grilled Cheese Sandwich.

For a while now, I have had a recipe flagged for a grilled cheese made on the stove top and in the oven, without any butter.  This sounded like the perfect method for the Guacamole Grilled Cheese Sandwich.  The result?  Amazing!  The stove-to-oven method gives the bread a crispy exterior without any frying or being greasy.  The cheese is perfectly melted, and the guacamole can shine right through.  This Guacamole Grilled Cheese Sandwich is a fun and tasty twist on a childhood favorite. 

Do you have childhood memories or a family story to share about Kraft Singles?  You can share your story at Put your story on the map and join the conversation about Kraft Singles!

Guacamole Grilled Cheese
Yields 1 serving

2 slices whole grain bread
2 to 3 tablespoons guacamole, any variety, such as Edamame Guacamole
1 or 2 slices Kraft Singles 2% Sharp Cheddar
Cooking Spray

  1. Preheat oven to 375 degrees.  Line a baking sheet with parchment and set aside.
  2. Spread guacamole evenly on one side of each slice of bread. 
  3. Place a Kraft Single cheese slice on top of the guacamole on each slice of bread, and then flip to make a sandwich (so cheese on cheese).
  4. Heat a nonstick skillet over medium heat and spray with cooking spray.  Place sandwich in pan for about 1 to 2 minutes or until bread is toasted. Flip and repeat on the other side.
  5. Transfer sandwich from skillet to the prepared baking sheet.  Bake for 3 to 5 minutes, or until cheese is melted.  Remove from oven, cut in half and serve immediately.

Disclaimer:  As part of the Foodbuzz Tastemaker Program, I received a coupon for free Kraft Singles and a stipend.


  1. Yum, I love grilled cheese. I remember having kraft singles with peanut butter and apples as a snack growing up.

  2. Grilled cheese is a favorite comfort food of mine too. Looks good!
