Monday, August 15, 2011

Lime Tart

While I'm a peanut butter and chocolate lover by trade, I would happily eat this Lime Tart for dessert every night. Truth be told, Mike and I may have enjoyed this tart for 4 nights in a row.  I am still dreaming about it.  It is refreshing, the perfect balance of tangy and sweet, creamy and just plain good! 

Bonus - it's very easy to make! The crust can be quickly mixed together and the filling can be made while the crust bakes.  Next pour the filling in the crust (warm or cool), bake again and then chill.  The hardest part is the wait!   

Another bonus - this Lime Tart is done light! I used fat free sweetened condensed milk, and I used light butter.  As a result, fat and calories were reduced by approximately 45% and 12% respectively, when compared to their full far counterparts.  Even with these adjustments, this tart definitely tastes like an indulgence!

Since this dessert uses 4 egg yolks, naturally you will have 4 egg whites leftover. Stay tuned later this week, as I have an incredible and healthy veggie-filled use for those egg whites!

Lime Tart
Yields 8 servings

1 1/2 cup graham cracker crumbs
2 tablespoons plus 1/2 cup sugar
4 tablespoons unsalted light butter, melted
1 can (14 ounces) fat free sweetened condensed milk
3/4 cup fresh lime juice (from 3 to 5 limes)
4 large egg yolks
Pinch salt
Grated lime zest, for garnish (optional) 
  1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
  2. In a medium bowl, mix together graham cracker crumbs and 2 tablespoons of sugar.  Add butter and mix until combined.  Transfer  mixture to a 9-inch tart pan with a  removable bottom.  Pat into bottom and up sides.  Place on baking sheet, and bake until crust is fragrant and slightly colored (about 10 minutes). 
  3. Meanwhile, in a medium bowl combine condensed milk, lime juice, egg yolks, remaining 1/2 cup sugar - whisk until smooth. 
  4. Pour lime mixture into crust (warm or cool is fine).  Return to oven,  on baking sheet.  Bake until filling is set around edge but slightly loose in center (20 to 25 minutes).  
  5. Cool completely at room temperature; then refrigerate until chilled, at least 2 hours. Garnish with zest, if desired, and serve. 

Nutrition Information per Serving (1/8 of tart)
 Calories = 321 ~ Fat = 7.4g ~ Carbohydrates = 58.3g ~ Protein = 6.2g
Adapted from Everyday Food


  1. Oooo, I love Lime ANYTHING! Like you, though I love chocolate, desserts like this are pretty awesome too. Definitely have to try this one Alida!

  2. Citrus pie desserts are especially good in this heat, but unfortunately they are really calorie laden. I am glad you posted something that is a little lighter than the standard. Your pictures look fantastic!

  3. @Janet: It's hard to pass up chocolate, but sometimes we have to make sacrifices, right? ;) Thanks for your comment!

    @Tina: You're right - citrus desserts are so refreshing in the summer. Thank you for your comment!

  4. Love that this is light and still delish! I adore lime flavored dessert- its time to break out my tart pan!!

  5. This sounds so delicious. I've been craving a dessert with lime lately, this sounds perfect!

  6. This creamy lime tart sounds delicious!

  7. This is just beautiful. It strikes me as....elegant. I'm sure it was delicious, too!

  8. It looks so refreshing. I can practically taste it. Just wonderful.

  9. @Cassie: Thank you for your comment!

    @Erin: Thank you, it really was!

    @Ann: Thank you Ann. I didn't want to cut into it because it looked so lovely whole, but...I got over that really quickly. So good!

    @Kim: Thank you! It was the perfect dessert on a hot day (or several days as the case was) :)

  10. Alida, I loved this recipe. The picture looks fabulous!! So happy to have bumped into your blog today!!

  11. I know what you mean... I am definitely a chocolate and peanut butter girl too, but sometimes it is nice to go for something more light and refreshing. I have never had a lime tart but your photos are making me crave one!

  12. See I'm the complete opposite - it's tangy, fruity desserts like this that win me over - not chocolate (my fiance thinks I'm nuts!). So I know I would just love this =)

  13. I'm a chocolate and peanut butter fan myself but it is nice to have such a refreshing dessert when the temperature soars!

  14. @Purabi: Thank you for your comment! I'm so happy that you stopped by as well - thank you!

    @Elyse: I love a kindred spirit. Thank you for your comment!

    @Peggy: A fruity dessert to me is almost like a dessert appetizer course to a dessert main course (I've never done that, but you gave me a great idea!) Thanks for your comment!

    @Eating Deliciously: We've had our fair share of super hot weather, and this tart was refreshing indeed. Thank you for your comment!

  15. I love me a good lime tart as it's always hot here (plus we have a lime tree in our yard), and your light version is just
    perfect! Saying that, I also have a penchant for chocolate and peanut butter so it's a pity that these two flavors don't really go with lime or else we'd have the perfect tart!

  16. mmmm...that looks luscious! i'm a sucker for lime pies...especially when berries are in season too.

  17. I love tart desserts like this!

  18. Sounds delicious! I love sweet and tart together and I love lime - I even named my business with the word lime in it! Thanks for the low fat option as well.

  19. Looks very delicious and beautiful!

  20. @Foodiva: I'm very jealous of your lime tree! Thanks for your comment!

    @Jennifer: You are right, citrus and berries are a match made in heaven. Thanks for stopping by!

    @Tiffany: Yay! Thanks for your comment!

    @Melissa: Limes are so refreshing and tasty (and a good name too!) Thank you for your comment!

    @Eva: Thank you so much!

  21. We made this last night for guests (and ourselves :) ). What a refreshing dessert! Great contrast to our meal (bean and veggie "fajitas"). Almost palate cleansing.

  22. @Unknown, I'm so glad to hear you enjoyed it. Also, those fajitas sound fantastic!
