Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Mushroom and Spinach Frittata with Smoked Gouda

On Monday, I shared with you a summery dessert that uses 4 egg yolks.  I also promised you a healthy way to use up those remaining egg whites.  A promise is a promise!  This Mushroom Spinach Frittata with Smoked Gouda uses exactly 4 egg whites.  How is that for even-steven!

Now I'm not normally a 'smoked' fan, but smoked gouda is truly the perfect complement to the earthy mushrooms in this frittata. The spinach gives beautiful color and flavor to the dish as well. From the original recipe, I increased the onion and added garlic. To compensate for these additions, I increased the olive oil by 1 teaspoon.

The result is a delicious protein-packed veggie-filled dish that is perfect for breakfast, brunch, or a light dinner served with a side salad (saving room for Lime Tart for dessert, of course).

Mushroom and Spinach Frittata with Smoked Gouda
Yields 4 servings

1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil
1 cup chopped Vidalia onion
8 ounces sliced mushrooms (I used baby bellas)
3 garlic cloves, minced
4 cups packed baby spinach leaves
2 large eggs
4 large egg whites
1/2 cup shredded smoked Gouda cheese, divided
Pinch of salt
1/4 teaspoon pepper
Cooking spray
  1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees.  Spray 8-inch round cake pan with cooking spray.  Set aside.
  2. Heat olive oil in large nonstick skillet over medium-high heat.  Add onion, cook 2 minutes.  Add garlic, cook 1 minute.  Add mushrooms; cook, stirring frequently, until tender (approximately 5 minutes).  Add spinach, cover and cook until wilted (1 minute).
  3.  In a medium bowl, whisk together eggs, egg whites, 1/4 cup cheese, salt and pepper.  Add spinach mixture to egg mixture, mix well. 
  4. Pour mixture into cake pan and sprinkle with remaining 1/4 cup cheese. 
  5. Bake 30 minutes or until eggs have set.  Cut into 4 wedges and serve.
Nutrition Information per Serving (1/4 frittata)
Calories = 177 ~ Fat = 9.6g ~ Carbs = 8.8g ~ Fiber = 1.5g ~ Protein = 13.5g

Adapted from Health Magazine, March 2007


  1. Oh, how I LURVE this. I love frittatas! Yours is filled with so many yummy flavors and textures. Hooray for eggs, hmm?

  2. I love frittatas because of how easy they are to make. I love your flavor combination-sounds deliciuos!

  3. @Hester: Yes, hooray for eggs! Thank you for your comment!

    @Heather Lynne: You are right - they are easy and healthy too! Thank you!

  4. Yum- the flavors you put in this recipe work so well together. Frittatas are great for anytime, bring on the eggs.

  5. Excellent recipe! It is nourishing but light! I will try it!

  6. I love smoked gouda...and this sounds excellent. I'm going to have to try this! Thanks for sharing!!

  7. @Tina: Definitely, bring it! Thanks!

    @Twinky: I hope you like it. Thanks for stopping by!

    @Paper Plates & China: Yay - I hope you enjoy! Thanks for the comment!

  8. Awesome recipe! I've never actually had a frittata, but they look sooo good!

  9. Way to use your leftovers! The flavors here go so well together. Great job!

  10. @Gen: Oh you don't know what you're missing! They're so easy and tasty too. Thanks for visiting!

    @Erin: Thank you!

    @Pegasuslegend: Thanks so much!

  11. Hi Alida! This looks fabulous! I always end up throwing away the leftover yolks or whites.

  12. Just reading your post title, I already know this is an awesome fritatta! YUMMY!

  13. oh yum! this will make an excellent idea for dinner tonight:) thank you for inspiring us. xo

  14. omg this looks soooo yummy. love that you added in some gouda!

  15. Gouda is my cheese of choice, I absolutely can not stop eating it lately. I love the flavor combinations here!!

  16. @Ann: Thanks! I was pretty pleased when I remembered a way to use up the whites. :)

    @Quay: Thank you!

    @Kate: The gouda totally makes this dish. Thanks for stopping by!

    @Claire: I love that you have a cheese of choice and I'm totally with you. Thanks for your comment!
