Monday, August 29, 2011

Rosemary Parmesan Dipping Oil & Crisco Olive Oils

As part of the Foodbuzz Tastemaker program, I got the opportunity to sample three olive oils from Crisco: Light Tasting, Pure and 100% Extra Virgin.  Since I use olive oil often, I was excited to give them a try.  But then I wondered...what would I possible do with these three olive oils?  What's the difference? 

Well, thanks to the handy little labels on each bottle, Crisco answered that very question for me and then some.  Light Tasting is best for frying, baking and as an everyday cooking oil.  Pure is best for grilling, sauteing and marinades.  100% Extra Virgin is best for dipping, dressing and sauces.  To give a true test, I decided to remake a couple of old favorite recipes using Light Tasting and Pure, and to make a new recipe for you using 100% Extra Virgin.

Light Tasting

Since Crisco's Light Tasting olive oil is great for baked goods, I decided to remake my Rosemary Cornbread, but this time as muffins.  The oil had little to no fragrance and was otherwise very nice to use.  The result?  These muffins were fantastic!  This was the best batch of Rosemary Cornbread yet, so I'm very pleased with the Light Tasting olive oil. 


Given that Crisco's Pure olive oil is ideal for marinating and grilling, it will definitely be popular around this house.  I decided to remake Mustard Rosemary Chicken, but this time we grilled the marinated chicken breasts (i.e. not on skewers).  The result?  Delicious!  We both remarked about how this chicken was one of the best we've had.  Another score using Crisco's Pure olive oil!

100% Extra Virgin

Crisco's 100% Extra Virgin olive oil is best for dipping, so what better way to test this than by making a dipping oil.  This recipe was inspired by a little pamphlet that came with the oils.  Rosemary Parmesan Dipping Oil is simple, quick and easy to make, and tastes incredible!  Three for three...thanks Crisco!

Rosemary Parmesan Dipping Oil
Yields 4 servings

1/4 cup extra virgin olive oil, such as Crisco® 100 % Extra Virgin Olive Oil
1 tablespoon balsamic vinegar
1-2 garlic cloves, finely minced (or grated)
Pinch salt
Freshly ground black pepper, to taste
1/2 teaspoon chopped fresh rosemary
1-2 tablespoons grated or finely shredded Parmesan cheese
Crusty French or Italian Bread
  1. In a small bowl, whisk together olive oil, vinegar, garlic, rosemary, salt and pepper.
  2. Pour into serving saucer(s) and add Parmesan cheese. 
  3. Serve with crusty bread. 
Adapted from Crisco pamphlet

Disclaimer: As part of the Foodbuzz Tastemaker program, I was provided with a bottle of each of the above named Crisco olive oils for free.  The details of my experience are exclusively my opinion, and I was not otherwise influenced or compensated.


  1. This looks delicious. I received the olive oil as well and I'm totally making this with my pasta this week! Great recipe!

  2. Thanks for the information concerning the types of olive oils! The dipping sauce looks awesome. I usually just dip in olive oil alone, but not anymore with this recipe-yum!

  3. It's fantastic to see that Crisco has taken the needs of the cooks in hand and provided all three oils. I always have regular olive oil and extra virgin in the house, but having the lite would be even better for baking.

    Thanks for the review and the recipe for that yummy dipping sauce!

  4. What a great dipping sauce, LOVE this recipe! :)

  5. Oooo. Rosemary Cornbread...I think you're onto something!!

  6. This looks delicious and I love the recipes you made...and the pics are fab!

  7. Yum! All three sound delicious but I would love to try that dipping oil. I haven't used the pure olive oil yet but I'm looking forward to trying it in some baking!

  8. Oh the cornbread sounds awesome! Love that you tried each of the oils in your review!

  9. What a great thing to test for the Tastemaker program! The dipping sauce sounds delicious! My husband is always coming up with something to dip his bread in, I will have to make this for him!
