Monday, September 26, 2011

Brown Sugar Brownies

Back in college, I had a recipe for Brown Sugar Brownies.  They were honestly the best brownies I've ever had (aside from my grandmother's of course). I still remember them, but that was ages ago, and sadly my dear recipe is long gone.  Fast forward to a few weeks ago, I was in the middle of baking and ran out of brown sugar.  Mike went on an emergency brown sugar run for me.  When he set the bag down on the counter, it happened to be recipe-side up ( you think that was intentional?).  What did I see?  Brown Sugar Brownies!

Quick and easy to prepare, this recipe makes a delicious brownie that is more fudgy than cakey.  In fact, they are light and airy and almost melt in your mouth.  Now, I used dark chocolate that I received from the Foodbuzz Tastemaker program with Ghiardelli.  This would be delicious using unsweetened per the original recipe, but I was pleasantly susprised at the results with what I used.  I also used light butter, which has half the fat and calories of regular butter.  I like using light butter when I can, because if it works why not, right? 

Now for the best part.  If I told you these brownies were under 115 calories each, would you believe it?  I hardly believed it myself!  I did the calculation a few days after making them (and after I had already eaten a few bars).  I was eating half a brownie each time because I expected they would come in a lot higher.   I did the calculation once, checked it again.  It's true.  These babies clock in around 112!

Brown Sugar Brownies
Yields 16 brownies

1/2 cup (1 stick) light butter, melted and cooled
1 cup brown sugar
2 eggs
2 ounces unsweetened OR dark chocolate (such as Ghirardelli Twilight Delight), melted, cooled slightly
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1/2 cup all-purpose flour
powdered sugar (optional)
  1. Preheat oven to 325 degrees.  Spray 9 inch baking pan with cooking spray and set aside.
  2. In a large bowl, beat butter and sugar until combined.
  3. Beat in eggs, adding one at at time. 
  4. Stir in melted chocolate and vanilla.
  5. Gently fold in flour, until combined.
  6. Pour mixture into pan and bake for 25 minutes, or until a toothpick inserted in the center comes out clean.  Cool completely.  Cut into squares, and sprinkle with powdered sugar, if desired.
Adapted from back of sugar bag (recipe found here here)

Disclaimer: While this is not my formal write up of my experience with Ghirardelli chocolate, I feel obligated to disclose the following:  "As part of the Foodbuzz Tastemaker program, I was provided with Ghirardelli chocolate for free.  The details of my experience are exclusively my opinion, and I was not otherwise influenced or compensated."  I will be sharing a full write up of my experience later this week. 


  1. Oh, yeah!!! These look incredible! I love trying new brownie recipes, and these will be next :)

  2. Bravo! thanks for posting this delicious brownie recipe that is low in calories. We all want brownies but do not want the guilt for over indulging. Well done.

  3. What a great recipe, these look delicious!! :)

  4. Brownies that low in calories that look that good are definitely something to be excited about! Nicely done:-)

  5. It must be brownie day! I am seeing so many good looking recipes today, I am about ready to forgo my will power and make some brownies! Wish I had some chocolate like this on hand to make these!

  6. It's a bonus that they are low in calories but these brownies look perfect! I've tried so many brownie recipes looking for that "one" and have been disappointed by cakey brownies over and over. These seriously look perfect. I'm going to have to give them a try. Thanks so much for sharing.

  7. Low calorie brownies that look like this?? I am totally bookmarking this to make soon. YUM!

  8. I have just returned to uni and have been wanting to make brownies for my housemates but didnt know what recipe to go for, i think this one looks reallyreally lovely so may have just finished my search! Beautiful recipe indeed :)

  9. Omg only 112 calories for one of those :o

  10. These look and sound delicious. Love brownies. They should be required at every meal like a glass of milk.

  11. Alida - that is incredible! Not only these amazing brownies, but that you found the recipe! I'm SO excited for you! Buzzed!

  12. Wow, I have an incredible hankering for brownies and these absolutely fit the bill! Love the use of brown sugar, I'm sure it adds a wonderful flavor dimension.

  13. These look great, what kind of light butter do you use though?

  14. @Anonymous: Thank you. The brand I use is Land 'o Lakes light butter. It comes in sticks, just like regular butter.

  15. Does this recipe require any leavening, I didnt see any in the recipe list?
