Friday, October 14, 2011

Pumpkin Cinnamon Chip Scones

A few weeks ago, Mike was out for a fun evening with the guys.  Meanwhile, I was home alone (well, Adam was home too, but sleeping).  Of course, I got the itch to bake something.  I found myself with leftover pumpkin and leftover buttermilk, along with some leftover cinnamon chips.  Sounds like I had the makings for the perfect pumpkin scone!

I sent a scone with Mike to take to work the next day. Shortly after he left, the phone rang. It was Mike and he said 'I'm not sure how you're going to take this..'    Um, ok?     'but I think this scone is the best thing you've ever made!' Yay!  This was my first attempt at making scones, and I am so glad they were a hit!

The cinnamon chips are amazing with the pumpkin in these scones.  I suspect any chips, or even dried fruit, would be good though.  The base recipe is just that good.  I lightened things up by using my baking BFF, light butter.  I used 2 glazes - plain and spiced, and have written the recipe below with the full amount that I used.   While the glazes were really good, truthfully these scones can hold their own sans glaze.  Another time I would use half the amount (or simply go without), because I prefer something a little less desserty.  If glaze is your thing, then have at it, because they were fabulous!

Pumpkin Cinnamon Chip Scones
Yields 8 scones

1 cup all-purpose flour
1 cup whole wheat pastry flour
1/3 cup brown sugar, packed
1 1/2 teaspoons pumpkin pie spice
1 teaspoon baking powder
1/2 teaspoon baking soda
1/4 teaspoon salt (optional)
1/2 cup (1 stick) light butter, cold and cut into 8 pieces
1/2 cup cinnamon chips (or white chocolate or butterscotch chips)
1/2 cup pumpkin puree
1/2 cup buttermilk
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
Glaze - optional - see recipe below
  1. Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Line baking sheet with parchment paper and set aside.
  2. In a food processor, pulse flours, brown sugar, pumpkin pie spice, baking powder and baking soda until combined.  Add cold butter pieces and pulse until combined and butter forms small pea-sized chunks.  Pour into a large bowl and stir in cinnamon chips.
  3. In a separate bowl, whisk together buttermilk, pumpkin, and vanilla.  Add pumpkin mixture to dry ingredients and gently fold until dough comes together.  (be careful not to over mix). 
  4. Transfer dough to prepared baking sheet.  Press and form dough into a 8 to 9-inch round.  Bake 20-25 minutes or until a toothpick inserted in the center comes out clean.  Cool completely and cut into 8 slices.


Plain Glaze:

2 tablespoons skim milk
1 cup powdered sugar

  1. Whisk together milk and sugar until combined.  With a pastry brush, brush glaze over cooled scones.  Repeat until all glaze is used (or until desired coverage is achieved). 
Spiced Glaze:

1 tablespoons skim milk
1/2 cup powdered sugar
1 teaspoon pumpkin pie spice
  1.  Whisk together milk, sugar and pumpkin pie spice.  Pour glaze in a plastic bag.  Cut off a corner of the bag and pipe spiced glaze over scones, as desired. 
Note:  Let glaze(s) set before eating.

Adapted from Annie's Eats, originally from Joy of Baking


  1. Sounds absolutely divine! In fact all your recipes sound fabulous! x

  2. Mmmmmm, PUMPKIN! I have never been a scone "fan" but I'm sure if you sent me one of these I would lick the plate clean! What do ya say?! :)

  3. By the way, I'm following you on Twitter now. Come follow back!

  4. Haha, I love getting calls/texts from my hubby along those lines :) They don't know how much it makes our day :) The scones look delicious! I just tried my hand at them for the first time recently, too. Pumpkin, as well. YUM!

  5. What a great recipe, and sound very your photos too!!!!

  6. Its a lovely feeling to try something for the first time and receive appreciation!! DELICIOUS POST!

  7. These look wonderful!! Loving anything with pumpkin right now..

  8. That's the best compliment! When you're not really expecting it! I have some leftover pumpkin, too . . . hmmmmm. . . . .

  9. Glad you had the perfect trifecta of leftovers and that your first scone experience was a good one!! These sound totally fantastic :)

  10. I was dreaming of these the other night! Looks delicious, now I have no choice but to make some.

  11. I'm a sucker for a great scone! I love the idea of the cinnamon chips but I haven't seen any in the stores anywhere... Congrats on your scone success!

  12. That's what I call maximum utilization of available resources! (One of the USMC's favorite phrases). GREAT job...I bet they were amazing!

  13. Pumpkin and cinnamon chips sound like a fantastic combo!

  14. I agree pumpkin and cinnamon chip combo sound super good! YUM!

  15. These sound amazing! I haven't seen those cinnamon chips around here. Now I'm on a hunt. Thanks!

  16. These sound amazing! I really need to try these scones out!
